From the anime series "Blue Lock" comes a lineup of charming Nendoroid Surprise figures! This collection features the characters in their U-20 Japan uniforms and casual outfits , making each figure a unique collector's favorite.
Character lineup (random):
- Isagi Yoichi : U-20 Japan Uniform Ver.
- Nagi Seishiro : U-20 Japan Uniform Ver.
- Itoshi Rin : U-20 Japan Uniform Ver.
- Isagi Yoichi : Casual Outfit Ver.
- Nagi Seishiro : Casual Outfit Ver.
- Itoshi Rin : Casual Outfit Ver.
Surprise parts (random):
- A total of 18 different surprise pieces can be collected.
Important to know:
- Blind-box products : Figures are sold as collectibles with random content.
- A complete box set contains all the character figures in the set.
- All the surprise parts in the series cannot be collected with a single box set. The combination of characters and surprise parts is completely random.
- Size: Approximately 7 cm
- Material: High quality PVC
- Design: Detailed figures with varying outfits and expressions
- Packaging: Blind-box (collector-friendly and surprising!)
Perfect for fans of Blue Lock and collectors who love to build a varied and unique figure collection!
Ships within 24-48 hours.
For pre-order items, delivery takes 5-15 business days. Please email us at (The product might be on its way in to our stock).