From season two of the popular anime series "Jujutsu Kaisen" comes this detailed SH Figuarts action figure of Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Technical High School version! The figure is approximately 16 cm tall and captures Gojo in his iconic style during his school years.
With four interchangeable facial expressions and several accessories, you can recreate your favorite moments from the series. Mobile phone accessories and hand-in-pocket parts are also included to enhance the figure with even more dynamic poses.
Set contents:
- Main figure (approx. 16 cm high)
- Four interchangeable face parts
- Three left and six right hands (including one with a mobile phone)
- Hand-in-pocket parts (left/right)
- Sunglasses
Perfect for anime and action figure collectors who love "Jujutsu Kaisen" and Satoru Gojo's character!
Ships within 24-48 hours.
For pre-order items, delivery takes 5-15 business days. Please email us at (The product might be on its way in to our stock).