From the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series comes this handsome "Splash×Battle" PVC statue of Megumi Fushiguro! The figure stands 15 cm high and comes with a base in a printed package. Capture the intense energy and dynamism of the series with this beautifully detailed figure of Megumi Fushiguro.
With its strong appearance and action-packed pose, this is an excellent collectible figure for any fan of Jujutsu Kaisen . A must-have for every collector and anime enthusiast!
Product details:
- Height: 15 cm
- Material: High quality PVC
- Series: Jujutsu Kaisen Splash×Battle
- Design: Megumi Fushiguro in an action pose
- Includes: Display base
Ships within 24-48 hours.
For pre-order items, delivery takes 5-15 business days. Please email us at (The product might be on its way in to our stock).