From the Mobile Suit Gundam series comes these super cute deformed mascot figures from the Mega Cat Project! "The Big Nyandam Series" combines the iconic Gundam design with a playful and cat-like style. The Gundam figure is 13 cm tall, while Char's Zaku measures 14 cm. These trading figures are perfect for anime and Gundam fans who want to add something unique and cute to their collection!
Product features:
- Gundam: about 13 cm high
- Char's Zaku: about 14 cm high
- Made of high quality PVC
- Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam series
- Part of Mega Cat Project "The Big Nyandam Series"
- Perfect for collectors and anime lovers
Ships within 24-48 hours.
For pre-order items, delivery takes 5-15 business days. Please email us at (The product might be on its way in to our stock).