Introducing the charming and energetic "Ochaco Uraraka" from the popular anime series My Hero Academia! This high-quality figure from SEGA's "S-FIRE" series shows Ochaco in action, using her "Zero Gravity" ability. The figure is detailed with clear parts and floating stones to recreate her unique power.
In addition, the AR application offers an interactive visual effect to enhance the experience. Standing at 23cm tall, this PVC statue is a must have for all anime, action and collectible figure fans. Add this vibrant and courageous hero to your collection today!
- Height: 23 cm
- Made of PVC
- From the popular anime series My Hero Academia
- Part of SEGA's exclusive "S-FIRE" series
- Contains clear parts and detailed effects
- Interactive AR experience
Ships within 24-48 hours.
For pre-order items, delivery takes 5-15 business days. Please email us at (The product might be on its way in to our stock).